When was Entreprenueurship Cell of Malla Reddy College of Engineering formed ?

During November the startup ecosystem was booming like no time in Indian history. To provide opportunities to students with the same pace of other emerging institutes, student named Sahith proposed college management with the idea. Considering his experience in co-curricular activities from the start of his college, college management approved his proposal. On October 30, the E Cell, MRCE was officially inagurated under the guidence of renowed startup investor in Hyderabad Viiveck Verma. E Cell, MRCE associated with prestigious institutes in their intiatives helping such emerging E Cell's and its recognition was well known for its activities so far.

Sahith's LinkedIn Profile : Click here
Viiveck Verma Sir's LinkedIn Profile : Click here

How can I participate in E Cell, MRCE's events?

You can follow E Cell, MRCE on official social media handles or be updated with the announcements in this official webiste. Complete guidlines of events will be posted on these platforms.


How can I be a part of E Cell, MRCE's team?

For students of MRCE all opportunities will be forwarded in their offical college whatsapp groups. If you wish to invigorate your own nucleus clubs within, proposals can be forwarded to ecellmrce@gmail.com

Still have queries?

Write us at ecellmrce@gmail.com